Step-By-Step Guide
The course is specifically created to guide you with incremental progression

50 years of Knowledge
Proven teaching methods that span over 2 Generations of Career Drum Teachers

1,000 + Beats
1,000+ Beat Exercises recorded at 2 Different Tempos. New Exercises added Weekly

Pro Production
Recored on multiple 4K cameras. Mixed and Mastered Professionally

Song Breakdowns
We break down the worlds most iconic drum parts in an easy to digest manner

85 + Chapters
Each Chapter has a 5-10 Minute Topic Lesson with 10-20 Accompanying Video Exercises

Weekly Check-ins
As you drum coach I will chat to you weekly and keep you accountable!

No More Guessing
No more scouring Youtube for random lessons and not knowing what steps to take next to progress
'The Course' is our golden child! A step-by-step guide to playing the drums. Finally a comprehensive drumming course which takes the guessing out of what/how to learn and guides students step-by-step through the most effective way of learning the drums. Based on 50 years of drum teaching experience spanning two generations. This course takes you from absolute beginner to an advanced shredder with thousands of exercises strategically implemented to get you where you want to be as a player.
The Course consists of 85 + Chapters of material. Each chapter hosts a fundamental topic with a 5-15 minute lesson on the topic followed by 10-20 Beat Exercises which are all recorded at 2 tempos with an accompanying PDF Worksheet download.
Keep in mind this is a consistently growing and evolving course, this is just iteration one! New Chapters are added weekly. I have taught this exact course to all of my previous / current students at DK Drums Academy and in most cases it takes years for students to get through iteration one! The Course Introduces songs as we learn the fundamentals featured in each track. Sample a Song Lesson / Exercise Example and Chapter Lesson below.

The concept for 'The Course' originated with my father Don Kerby who was a life long career Drum Educator. Don literally taught drums all day every day for 45 years. He taught thousands of drummers including myself using the exact same techniques used in 'The Course'. I have taken what I've learnt from being a professional touring drummer over the past decade and combined it with his proven techniques to develop the ultimate drum course.
User-Friendly Dashboard Layout
Access our vast Library of Drum Lessons, Song Breakdowns and Exercises Anywhere, Anytime on all your devices with our User-friendly Dashboard. Browse Screenshots of our Module, Chapter, Exercise and PDF sections within the Dashboard below.